Once, while being interviewed about street fighting based self defense, I totally shocked the interviewer by stating a simple fact that shook his belief system from the very foundation.
His question was: ?What would you recommend or what do you personally teach women in terms of self defense??
My answer was: ?There is no such thing as women?s self defense.?
Now that doesn?t mean at all that women cannot or should not learn to defend themselves, on the contrary, it means that I give women more credit than even they give themselves!
What I mean when I say that women?s self defense doesn?t exist is that there should not be a difference between the way a woman defends herself and the way that a man defends himself.
Read these five reasons why street fighting based self defense works and how they are just as applicable to women as to men:
Street fighting based self defense works just as well against bigger attackers-Women?s self defense supposedly has to be different from self defense for men because women tend to be smaller and weaker. Well, I weigh 175 lbs and work as a bouncer. Can you imagine that I have ever been attacked by a smaller guy? Neither can I. Now, if I weigh 175 lbs and street fighting based self defense allows me to defend myself against someone 100 lbs heavier, why can?t a woman use the same concepts to defend herself against a much bigger man?
2. Street fighters aren?t afraid to strike first-A surprise attack by a bad guy is called a sucker punch. A good guy used a preemptive strike. Either way, it is the same thing, a way to take an attacker out before he even knew he was in a fight. What do you think would be a better choice for a woman to do, wait for an attack and try to block and fight back or to suddenly knock a potential attacker down and out before he attacks, as soon as she feels threatened and knows that there is no way to avoid a fight.
3. Street fighters practice very good situational awareness-As a bouncer, I am constantly trying to see a fight before it starts, to be able to respond before things really get out of hand. A mugger or rapist spends time observing potential targets before he chooses the easiest mark. How can so many ?women?s self defense? instructors tell their students to run away from a fight if they don?t give them the tools to notice a potential threat before it is too late? If your situational awareness, or your ability to see a potentially threatening situation coming and react before you are ambushed or attacked is on point, you won?t ever have to fight at all.
4. Street fighters have conquered their fears and don?t back down from anything-Ever hear of the concept of the ?cornered rat?? Well, rats are nature?s masters of street fighting self defense. Just like a rat, a good street fighter becomes much more dangerous when cornered and endangered. Bite, claw, give your attacker(s) everything you?ve got and die fighting because being afraid and giving-up didn?t ever win a fight or save a life.
5. Street fighters don?t train-Since developing my concepts of street fighting based self defense, I train much less than ever before in my life and am much more combat effective than ever before in my entire life. How should a working mom or business man find time for work, family, household and the hours of conditioning and technique training that most self defense or martial arts instructors claim are necessary to ensure your street survival? How about spending a few hours to learn a few brutally effective concepts of dirty street fighting and then having them for the rest of your life, on call to be used any time without maintenance training? Like I always say, if a technique is simple enough to use with minimal training, it is simple enough to use effectively on the street. If a technique is complicated enough to need to be drilled constantly, it is too complicated for use in a real street fight.
Christopher ?Bob? Roberts is an ex-soldier who relocated to Europe and now earns his living as a tactics and close-combat instructor for military, police and private security companies.
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